Thursday 12 September 2019

When CERTS expire...

Today I noticed my SSL cert expired. I received notice mid-July, but as with everything, I checked if everything still worked at that time - it did - so conveniently forgot.

This meant likely yesterday, my webs server anounced it was not secured, and all my Cortana skills stopped working with an obscure error message stopped working. (The error message buried at the bottom of the message was [bot service response null].)

So I fixed it by

  • downloading my new cert
  • figuring out how to use psftp to upload them to my server given I'd obfuscated sshd configuration
  • uploading my new crt files and moving them to /etc/ssl/certs
  • updating the various entries in /etc/apache2/sites-available conf files that pointed at the cert
So all the Cortana skills are running again.  I am surprised that the automated tests Microsoft runs didn't send me a nasty email saying I was down.  Ah....

Monday 9 September 2019

Debug C# Cortana Skill Locally

I added a video on how to create a Skill in the cloud, compile it there, then suck it back to a desktop, set debug break points, and continue to debug locally.It doesn't have commentary yet, but I'll get to it.